On February 28, 2021
Women Move Powerfully provided individually wrapped Bibles and Subway lunch boxes to homeless singles, children & families.
Women Move Powerfully decided in February to take a different approach with healthier food options we provide to the homeless community.
WMP teamed up with Aman Beri of BeriGroup who owns several Subway Restaurants!
Due to this GOD-Centered partnership we will be able to provide Subway meals to the homeless community we serve monthly!
THANK YOU JESUS & Thank you Aman Beri!
Food provided: 6 inch turkey on wheat, 6 inch Italian on white, variety chips, cookie & bottled water.

Area(s) covered: Grand & Gage Ave, Broadway & Manchester, Bright Star Baptist Church on Broadway & West 91st Place, Greater Progressive Missionary Baptist Church on Broadway & West 93rd St, 120th & San Pedro, Success Ave & Imperial (under Freeway overpass across from Nickerson Gardens), Alli’s Mini Market on 120th & Figueroa (Athens on the Hill district), Haas Ave & Imperial and 120th & Crenshaw.
::: WAYS you can sow into THE MOVEMENT:
Schedule a pick-up: We’d be happy to schedule a pickup of items you would like to donate.
***To schedule a pick-up please CONTACT Us!
Email us: inquiries.womenmovepowerfully@yahoo.com
Call/Text us: 562-967-1267
Purchase our #WMP Merch on the website:
When you purchase any of our Merch you are helping homeless Men, Women & Children in need!
Simply MAKE A Donation here!
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in... The KING will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for ME. - Matthew 25:35,40 NIV
#SupportWMP ✊🏾💜🙏🏾✝️